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  Welcome to Construction 1 and 2 here at Hamilton High!  This web site is where necessary information, performance expectations, class assignments, and any tests or quizzes will be conveyed to the class on a weekly basis.   Information like the class syllabus, calendar,  safety articles,  performance videos, tool info,  project info, etc. . . are all located here.  The button to the left, titled "Navigating Notes"", is where you will begin your weekly journey.  The "Navigation Notes" page will tell you what assignments are due that week and where any of those assignments are found on the website.  There is also important teacher observations found each week in the "Navigation Notes" to help you be successful in class. You will need to check the Calendar to make sure you are clear on the date that assignments begin and are due.  Remember to check this site every week by beginning with the "Navigation Notes" "and the "Calendar" to insure your continued success!!  Buttons will always access  information as you click on them as well as the pictures on each page of the web site.  


Oh, and why the name "Buildometry" you ask?  Well, simply put, the connection between building construction and using mathematical concepts, especially geometry, are integrated throughout the very process of building any structure.  We will reinforce those concepts as we learn throughout the coming year.   Success will follow you when you bring the right attitude, work ethic and willingness to learn everyday to class!         R. Schuyler

When a particular need and desire is to addressed in the area of building a structure, the process of "designing" starts the journey.  This "design process" begins with the owner and the architect and progresses to where they are "planning to build".  The general contractor will use the designed plan or "blueprint" to oversee construction.  Here is an important starting point in understanding the overal "build" process in construction. 

There are several articles on the "world of building"  found here.  This is important information as an introduction to the class. Building has been the trademark of mankind from his early existence. These articles are an overview of several "building" topics that are important in understanding the impact of building both historically and as it affects us today.

Timeliness is a very important work trait.  Deadlines for expected outcomes are the normal expectation in the work place as well as in this class.  Read the calendar weekly and be sure to make note of due assignments.   

Geometry in Building

"Action is the foundational key to all success."

-Pablo Picasso


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